National business groups as well as the boss of Medco Arifin Panigoro elected as Chairman of Executive Board of the Indonesian Golf Association (PGI PB) period 2009-2013 after beating two rivals in voting in the National Conference (National Conference) in Jakarta, Wednesday (23/12). Arifin is getting rid of 109 votes Yapto Soerjosoemarno (80 votes) and Chairman of PB PGI Jero Wacik 2005-2009 period (16 votes).
After elected, Arifin said the first step to do is to form PB PGI management structure within 30 days. Arifin suggested he would go to some areas and also the golf club to get their input in preparing these boards. "I still have not pocketed the names to fill the array and I was open to all inputs. However, I will fill these positions with young people active, competent, keeping track of golf, good coaching and rules," said Arifin.
In addition, he said, would promote junior golf development program before the 2011 Asian Games event which will take place in Indonesia. "Junior golfer is my priority, I want to increase the number of junior golfers that we will not be difficult to obtain superior seeds in the field of golf," he added.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the old PB PGI Jero Wacik expressed his support for a new chairman was elected to succeed the PB PGI. "In addition there are also some improvement in the leadership shortcomings me. But it is the maximum effort that I have provided. I am ready to help and willing to be placed elsewhere if requested to fill future management. This is because my goal is to promote golf in Indonesia," Jero Wacik said that also was the Minister of Culture and Tourism (Menbudpar).
While an administrator at PB PGI outgoing Hariadi Netty said, quite happy over the election Arifin Panigoro as Chairman of PGI's new PB. "I support the election of his, I think the bottom pack of golf Arifin especially for junior golfers to more advanced and developed," said the outgoing board of the New Testament was in the field PGI game.
He added, "I think Mr. Arifin had much to contribute to golf during the last 10 years, especially coaching for junior golfers by holding a tournament every year," he added.

18 komentar:
mana shoutboxnya ?
Iya susah carinya...shoutmixnya...
shoutmixnya kemana ???
waah its veti nice
Semoga dengan terpilihnya Arifin Panigoro sebagai ketua PGI PB dapat meningkatkan prestasi pegolf kita di International!
keep post sob
riaaa,....apa kabar ?
mana shout box nya????
sore mba ria..kayanya dibuang nich shoutmixnya....tapi ngga apa-apa disini juga sama saja
aripin panigoro teh saha ang
Kunjungan malam...
thanks your visiting
walking in the night, and clicks your ads
Have a wonderful day. hope your holiday season is great....what about link exchange???
met libur panjang buat sobat semua... cheer :)
berbagi dengan penuh semangat, ayo terus berkarya untuk semua
gag kenal, kenalan dulu PAk hehehehe...
jitak-jitak dsini...
Dukung dengan Vote ina DISINI yah. Dukungan kalian sangat berarti buat ina... thanks before :)
Mau tau Asyiknya Menulis di Blog??? Ina ada tipsnya, baca DISINI
yang penting saham medco naik ya..
mantap blognya, tp akan lebih mantap bila ada shoutmixnya.:D
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