Olympic flame for the first time in history brought further to the north and lit the night sky in the Arctic outpost near Alert North Pole, Sunday.
20 runners carried the torch that call themselves "The Frozen Chosen" across the region frozen tundra of Nunavut. Travel torch for the 2010 Winter Olympics This is the longest in Olympic history, and is day-to-10, when the torch at the closest point to the North Pole.
Sunday night, George Stewart torchbearers to triggering the fire to the kettle's residents in Alert, the northernmost place in the world with a population remains, 800 kilometers from the North Pole. Alert was built in 1950 by the Government of Canada as a weather station and military.
Torch the place deliberately built to overcome the cold weather that can reach minus 50 degrees celaius. As the Olympic torch bearers entourage arrived at the venue on Sunday night, the weather was recorded minus 28 degrees.
Olympic torch journey that total reaches 45,000 kilometers (27,968 miles) across the region is also Canada through water, land and air before it reached in Vancouver, the site of the 2010 Winter Olympics, the next 12-28 Februari.
20 runners carried the torch that call themselves "The Frozen Chosen" across the region frozen tundra of Nunavut. Travel torch for the 2010 Winter Olympics This is the longest in Olympic history, and is day-to-10, when the torch at the closest point to the North Pole.
Sunday night, George Stewart torchbearers to triggering the fire to the kettle's residents in Alert, the northernmost place in the world with a population remains, 800 kilometers from the North Pole. Alert was built in 1950 by the Government of Canada as a weather station and military.
Torch the place deliberately built to overcome the cold weather that can reach minus 50 degrees celaius. As the Olympic torch bearers entourage arrived at the venue on Sunday night, the weather was recorded minus 28 degrees.
Olympic torch journey that total reaches 45,000 kilometers (27,968 miles) across the region is also Canada through water, land and air before it reached in Vancouver, the site of the 2010 Winter Olympics, the next 12-28 Februari.

3 komentar:
obor olimpiade merupakan obor semangat kepahlawanan para olahragawan. Jangan lupa juga dengan obor semangat kepahlawanan 10 November-nya sob.
nyalakan obornya, dan kobarkan semangatnya.....
awas obornya padam kena angin, mambawanya harus hati2 yaaa, heheheee
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