

Still Got Rossi Four Years Left

MotoGP world champion Valentino Rossi claimed to still have time left for a few years to take part in motor racing arena.

Italian Pebalap is a winner of nine world championship motorcycle racing. He denied the possibility to switch to a car race on after his contract with Yamaha team run out later this year. "The human body is still stable between ages 22 to 34 years," said Rossi. "Currently I still have time left," continued pebalap which has now turned 30 this year, Monday (11/01/2010).

"After that, I might just think to move to sports cars, may rally," said Rossi. Rossi himself had participated in the event beberapakali rally and ranks second in the Monza Rally event in Italy, in November last year.

"After no longer participate in motor racing, I will join the rally in a few seasons. I know the F1 arena may be more mild than the rally, but when the time came, I was too old for F1."

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4 komentar:

Keng eNeS said...

Ayo Rosi, go go go... Jangan takut ma Lorenzo, Stoner, pa ladi ma Pedrosa. Aku dukung penuh!!!


Let's get your success're the best forever....

Anak Nelayan said...

rossi number one

wong ganteng said...

saya nge fans juga ma nih orang

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