Coach Persib Bandung Jaya Hartono disappointed with the leadership of the match referee against Arsenal Persipura Jayapura which ended 0-1 in Mattoangin Stadium, Makassar, Sunday night.
"The referee did not protect the players, but had been some beating of our players. Even more surprising when Hilton violated, after I asked, he said that it happened was in the penalty box but the referee was saying another," Jaya said in a press conference after action.
Foster children about performance in such action, Jaya said that everything was good and in line with expectations, this defeat is only due to non-technical influences such as the leadership of the referee who was considered unfair.
According to Jaya, points to opportunities brought this action, very open, it was proved by the birth of a number of opportunities matured from a number of players, so proud, although he admitted that he did not carry points.
Regarding goals Alberto Goncalves created in the 47th minute, he thought that it happened because the players do bloking back late, but overall, the game was good.
"The game of children, especially in the second half very well, we even get a chance a few times, though in the end could not equalize, this is a tight fight," he said.
While Roma coach Jaksen F Tiago admitted that the allegations of injustice referee especially for the losing team is not unusual.
"It is already common, but we actually really regret why we are considered a victory because of other factors, such as not appreciate our ability," he said.

5 komentar:
Hidup ECIB, biar kalah tapi kan sebenarnya menang dalam penguasaan bola yang penting enak ditonton dan berkualitas, menang kalah itu hal biasa.
eleh euy lawan persipura mang
pecat we kitu tah mang jaya teh kantun ka ngaran we jaya tapi keok wae eta persib teh mang hahahhahaahah
Persib mainnya bagus bisa mengimbangi Persipura, sayang diawal babak 2 Persib kaget dengan permainan cepat Persipura, akhirnya berbuah gol.... Salut untuk kedua tim.
biar kalah tp ga kecewa..maennya boi..keren.....
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