Tabriz Petrochemical team drivers Iran Mehdi Sohrabi prove tough to win a sixth Stage Speedy cycling Tour d `Yogyakarta Indonesia from 2009 until the Madiun, East Java, Saturday.
On Stage is a flat route so far is 175.3 km, Mehdi became more solid sustain excellence at the top of the general standings after the race to finish ahead with a record time of three hours 55 minutes and 20 seconds.
Second position is occupied by Stage six other Iranian drivers, but the team Azad University of Iran, Abbas Saeidtanha, winner of Stage five Semarang-Yogyakarta, who also recorded the same time.
Indonesia Herwin Jaya drivers joined in the team Polygon Sweet Nice (PSN) in third place with a gap of two seconds.
Stage win sixth addition, Mehdi 28-year-old was also successfully won a number "intermediate sprints" I held the 59.8 kilometers in area Kertosuro, Araya team beat Indonesia drivers Fatahillah Abdullah and racing teams krisnanto Nugroho Yogyakarta.
But the number of "intermediate sprint," II, which was held at 145 kilometers in Ngawi, Mehdi had to settle for second position, behind the winning numbers "sprint" that, Rizwan Zainal Nor, from the Malaysian National team.
In addition to Stage sixth win, Mehdi Yellow T-Shirt maintain excellence by increasing the general standings at the top of the drivers with the fastest total time 18 hours 33 minutes and 11 seconds. He was superior in two minutes and 21 seconds over second position occupied by his team mate, Ghader Mizbani.
Standings "sprint" is still led by the Mehdi Sohrabi with a total of 21 points, with second position is occupied by Zainal Nor Rizwan (10 points) and third positions by Ghader Mizbani (15 points).
Meanwhile, the national media, drivers to finish sixth ahead of this Stage is Herwin Jaya from PSN, followed by Kurniawan from Garut Picnic Dodol team and the next position by Rully Ibnu Kencana team Faroka of Malang.

3 komentar:
I just know when the tour was in spedy start, easy to hope through the front door
good for speed
walah... gak dunk bahasa inggris,,, ajarin dunk
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